Jim and Greg Screw Up

{The following conversation took place approximately 7,200 years ago, between Squints-His-Eyes-A-Lot and his brother, Running-Down-His-Leg, as they explored a cave....

May 25, 2012

Central Market

I always came to the market during the “off” hours. Crowds were never my thing since the first vampire incident....

May 18, 2012

A Night on the Floor

Lisa’s new shoes squeaked against the laminate floor, echoing like trumpets announcing the coming of a queen. Her procession down...

May 4, 2012

Time Management

“Wallace? Where’s that data?” Andy’s voice broke the silence of my cubicle. My boss was really good at pouncing on...

April 27, 2012

I Choose Bacon

After being herded through the tent flap, I stepped onto the hay covered dirt floor, my nose assaulted by the...

April 20, 2012


Tamara stood on the sidewalk staring at the building in front of her. She had lived in the ‘Gap all...

April 13, 2012

In the Stars

“Hey, Bells! Check this out!” Chance dropped and swung precariously back and forth by his knees from the metal bars....

April 6, 2012

In the Dark

The rain poured down in sheets outside. Thunder rattled my office window and echoed in my ears. The lights in...

March 23, 2012